Sunday, February 16, 2025

Urthy Scents Massage oil candle Tryabox

 I got to try a new product from Urthy Scents a brand that sticks to products that do not have all those bad for your body chemicals in them and can still find a way to make great smelling products and products that work. The candle was very cool- I have never used something like that before but it was amazing. I loved the way it made my skin feel after it was rubbed in and the scent lasted forever! I was so impressed with the scent in the oil I plan to buy it in the fine fragrance as soon as I can afford it. These candles retail for $35 and I can't wait to use it again! Enjoy the video we made of the product! 

Thank you for Tryazon and Urthy for letting me try this product. I love this brand and know I will be giving them more business soon. 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Crazy Aaron's Very Merry Tryazon Party

What fantabulous products!! Tryazon has had several Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty parties and we have applied for all of them because my KIDS ARE CRAZY for this stuff. We got to try several different products this time. Think putties of all shapes and sizes, some even had scents. I am totally sold on the mini tins- and now keep them on my desk and use them on the daily! We got slime and cloud slime- the cloud slime is so fun and not as sticky as real slime so I know this will be new purchases for me in life! I love how there are so many different varieties of Crazy Aaron products, some are color changing, some have little toys or beads in them, some have scents. There is a version of this product for everyone. The minis were my very favorite- they have just the right amount of thinking putty in them. Every single product from Crazy Aaron's would make a great stocking stuffer. So LOAD UP! 

 Thank you to Tryazon and Crazy Aaron's for letting us host this party and share this amazing product with so many family and friends. 


Friday, November 1, 2024

Even big kids love Connetix magnetic tiles

 My kids are a bit "too old" for toys, but about two years ago they fell in love with their younger cousins' magnetic tiles. They begged me to get them some for Christmas and spent hours on our family vacation building with their cousins who were a full decade younger they they were. 

I just couldn't justify buying them a set because I thought they were too expensive when my kids would just "grow out of them" boy was I wrong! When I won this party from Tryazon I knew my kids were going to be thrilled. They came up with several "big kid" ideas of how to play with them. Not only did they like to make slow motion destruction videos, they discovered they could set them up up like targets at a shooting range and use their air soft and nerf guns to knock down the targets. I am so thankful to have these. They are super sturdy and don't take up a lot of storage space, I am sure we will keep them for years and years and play with them often. 

Thank you to Tryazon and Connetix for the free sample we received in exchange for my review. All the words expressed here are my own. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Footlogix Tryazon Spa night review

Cracked, dry heels is something I have been dealing with for many years. So when I found out I could host a Footlogix pedicure night I knew I had to ump at the chance. Footlogix has an Ultimate Pedi Kit that they sent to me with several extra foot files to share with friends. Let's just say that we had some crusty heels in our group and many shy foot people but we were impressed with the results. There were a few steps to the process- first they have a callus softener spray that is put on the feet for about 5 minutes. Then you start filing your feet- after you are satisfied with your results they have another product called a Daily Maintenance formula moose. This is put on after and then again every day for as long as you want. We were happy with the results we got on our feet. If you would like your own products click here to get the link to do a survey to see what products are right for you. 

Thank you Footlogix and Tryazon for allowing us to try these fun products! 


Saturday, August 31, 2024

Piggy Piggy game review


Thank you to Hasbro and Tryazon for the free game we received in order for our honest opinion. 

When this game showed up I was pretty excited to play it, my teenagers took one look at the game "box" and were not impressed. However after reading the direction and watching a video (we still didn't really understand) we tried playing the game. From that point on the kids were hooked. They really thought it was a fun game and we have played it MANY times since we received it. My kids say it reminds them of another game with animals in the title but I wasn't familiar enough with that game. We had a lot of fun playing and can't wait to share it with the kids' younger cousins. 

The Super Fun Family Time Game review


It is always fun to get to try out a new game. This game comes from DSS Game and is an easy card game to play around the dinner table. One player spins to see if the topic will be funniest, worst or best and then everyone else has to give an answer to the question. The reader then decides who has the best answer and that person wins the card. We like to play this nightly around the dinner table just to have some non electronic fun discussions. 

I was given a free product by DSS Games and Tryazon in exchange for my review.  

Friday, August 2, 2024

Tryazon "The Baffling Bowl!" Party

 We haven't had a board game to try for a long time, but when I heard that Tryazon had a party for a new game and the party needed to happen while we were on vacation- I signed us up. My kids groaned as they have gotten used to all my crazy games and sometimes they don't find them fun but after one night playing The Baffling Bowl! they were having a great time. We laughed so hard that we cried, we played boys against girls and the boys team won but three points so the game was very close.

Kids say this game is a lot like "fishbowl" and I know there is another card game that is also very similar but this game has it's own set of rules that makes it unique. Before the game starts everyone grabs a booklet and picks out two words to tear out and throw into the bowl (my kids were appalled- "is this a one time use game?" However there are 600 unique words and you can save the used words if you want to. There are three rounds- round one consists of getting people to guess the word without using two key words also on the paper. Round two people can use no words or their dominate hand and try to get people to guess the words- (same words are put back in the bowl.) The last round is  where it gets interesting- people get one chance to say the word BACKWARDS. It's a lot harder than it sounds and we had a lot of laughs this round. Over all I thought the game was pretty fun. It does seem weird that you use paper cards and that it could be a game that eventually runs out, and I didn't like that they didn't send a timer. In the instructions it says "use a cell phone" naw I am old school games that need a timer please send one! 

Thanks to Tryazon and Gouda games for giving us the chance to try this fun game for free in exchange for my review.