I have to say I have gotten to try several of the different Purex Crystals in wash fragrance boosters over the past three years and I have liked all of them... but I have NEVER loved one like I love this one. First off the color of the crystals- they are neon green I love it they were so pretty! I also just LOVED the smell I am not really sure how to describe it, only that when I opened my washer after I was done- I opened the door to spring. I was excited to use this along with another Purex product I had that is also in the picture the joint smell was amazing. There is a reason it is called Fabulously Fresh- because it is! I also noticed on the bottle though that it's limited addition so make sure you get yours soon because I have no idea how long they will be around. I have three coupons to give away to my readers and I have started using the rafflecopter- it's pretty cool and very easy to enter and there shouldn't be any of the frustrations that were there when people couldn't figure out how to get their blog comments to post. You can also get yourself TWO entries now as well! I will have three coupons to give away. ALSO besides my giveaway Purex is giving away $1000 and a year's supply of this product (YES! Excited I can enter for this as well!) Also 100 more people will win a coupon for the Crystals as well.) Here is the link for Purex's giveaway.
The Purex brand provided me with a sample of Purex Crystals Limited Edition Fabulously Fresh in exchange for a product review. However all the opinions expressed here are my own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway