Snacking is my favorite past time- I have only dieted ones in my life and that was because a company asked me to do it for them and the thing I missed most was my snacks. Nature's Eats wants to help with that problem. Now while not all items were Keto diet approved most of them worked well for that diet as well as the Whole 30 another diet a lot of my friends have done in the past or are doing now. We got to try a few different flavors of cashews which were both very good, a trail mix, and some raw almonds. My kids enjoyed the trail mix flavors and my husband enjoyed the cashews because they had some spicy flavoring to them. My friend Emily on the Whole 30 asked for a cup of the almond flour so she could make some breaded chicken strips for her family and I still plan to make a chocolate cake with the almond flour in the next week! If you are looking for a healthy snack these are a good place to start and like I said they can go with many diets out there. Thank you Tryazon and Nature's Eats for the samples you gave me to share with family and friends for free. All the words here are my own.