More games! I was so excited to be selected for the Spin Master Games Tryazon Party. And then Covid
Not at our house but a few schools went back to remote learning and the area advised us not to have too many people around our houses. So the party was small but the games were fun!

Hedbanz is a game our family has owned and loved for years. There is a bit of a twist on this game as the headbands are now made with a softer more durable plastic and there are fun choices to wear, from Frankenstein, a black cat, unicorn, a crown, a sleepy person and a few others. We really enjoy getting to play this game.
Finally a game for our younger crowd called Grouch Couch- This game is probably best played for kids 8 and under. There is a red couch that you throw small game pieces on and then you press the remote to see if the couch is happy. If he is then he will spit out a coin or maybe two and the person with the most coins when he starts to sing wins the game.
Thanks again to Tryazon and Spin Master for letting us host this fun game night!