Another fun game that our family got to try. For all those who have followed our gaming journey, it’s a bit like Blank Slate- except there are teams involved- there are also ways to sabotage the other team. I think this would be a great game of a big group- especially if you add in the harder parts. Says ages 14+ and I would say that is pretty accurate, not due to anything inappropriate- just for the difficulty of the game. I think you could easily play this with a group as large as 20 people, if anyone wants a coupon code let me know!!
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Another Fun game night from The OP and Tryazon
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Fuzzies Game Night brought to you by Tryazon
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Casa M Spice Company and Tryazon Party

Thursday, August 10, 2023
Bestway and Tryazon air mattress party

Saturday, May 13, 2023
Chronicles of Crime Game night review
Friday, April 21, 2023
Spot It game night with Tryazon
Friday, March 10, 2023
Wavelength Board game night from Tryazon
Thursday, February 16, 2023
New Games from the Creators of Exploding Kittens and MAN do I have some opinions!
SO first off- thank you to Tryazon and Exploding Kittens for letting us try out a few of your newer games. The first Game we got to try was called Really Loud Librarians- It's just a funny title because we know that no librarian is really loud! I work in a school and I do want to take this into her media center and see about her having some kids play this! It's a word shouting game- trying to think of words that start with certain letters in certain categories and work your way around the track to rack up points for your team.
The second game was called Throw Throw Burrito- these game reminds me a bit of playing spoons as a kid, except with this game you throw squishy burritos at people we played this as a family. Four kids, each two years apart, very competitive, every time we played it someone left in tears. I am not sure what it is about a flying burrito hitting you in the face, but some in my family did not appreciate it. I think this is more of a friends game than a family game! LOL
Happy Salmon was our very favorite. Each player starts with 12 cards they say one of four things, Happy Salmon is one card where you slap another players arm like a salmon, fish bump (fist bump) switch it up (switching places with another player this can turn into quite the debacle! LOL and high five. The point of the game is to match with another player do the action and then go to the next card. First player out of cards win. This game is hilarious to play and to watch! We had so much fun with it and it's a super fast game, taking just around 90 seconds from start to finish. I want to take this game to school and play it with my students but I am not sure the other teachers down the hall would appreciate it!