Another fun game review from our friends over at Tryazon. Today we have Wavelength and Spots. The main game was Wavelength- it is a "mind reading game" to see just how close you can get to matching with your team. A card may say has a good reputation/has a bad reputation and then the person who reads the card spins the outside wheel to see where points are. When I did this for my video it was pretty close to the left so good reputation- I said not quite Mother Theresa but if it would have been close to the bad side a good clue would be "your least favorite politician" We thought this game was pretty fun.
Spots is a dice game where you try to get all the spots filled on your dog cards. It took a LONG time to figure out how to play this game, we did like it but by the time we actually played we were a little over it since it took us about 45 minutes to figure out how to play. I think we will enjoy it the more we play and it's pretty easy to explain to others.
I had never heard of this company, but the games are different than anything I have ever played and are well made. Thanks again to Tryazon and Asmodee USA for picking us to host!