I had not heard of this game Spot It! Apparently my kids played it over Christmas break with their two younger cousins. So they were excited when we won this party. We got two sets of Spot It! The original one and then a fishing one . The object of the game is to find the one matching image on a card. There are a few different ways to play it, you can put two cards out at the same time and find the match and winner gets both cards, you can put one card out and then each player has the same number of cards and when you see a match you put it on as the top card and play until you run out of cards, or you can set it up kind of like a memory game and just try to find the matches with nine cards out there. We really enjoyed the game and were surprised at how it was perfect for any age. We also went online and found that there are so many different versions of the game. My kids are interested in the ones that are for their favorite NFL teams. These are in such a nice case, and it's a fast and easy game I know we will use them often when we are traveling. Thank you Tryazon for allowing us the opportunity to try out these games!