What a great line of products from Casa M Spice Company. Hosting a party for Tryazon, we got to try the Casa M Spice Company's Stainless Shaker gift set (it retails for $134.99 or a little over $16 per spice. I loved the variety that they had for different types of meat. They had spices for beef, chicken, fish and a few all purpose seasonings as well.

We enjoyed trying the season all for our burgers and they gave off such good flavor. I love the name of the beef one as we live deep on beef country. Cattle Drive actually means something to us! I also love the feeling of the stainless shakers they feel so nice in the hand and put just the right amount of spice with each shake.

We even got brave and tried the Hooked spices (my family is not a huge fish eating family. We had some trout we had bought awhile back and used this to make a blackened fish. It was very flavorful and even our fish avoiding kids thought it was pretty good.
The only thing I thought was a little weird is on all the ingredients the first ingredient is "spices" there are very few different ingredients listed after that so I am just curious as to what "spices" means. We were very happy with the products and thankful to Tryazon and Casa M Spice Company choosing us.