Level 8- the joke at our house is that someone got mad when they were playing Phase 10 with their family and decided to go ahead and write their own rules to play by. If you have played Phase 10 then this game will be fairly easy to catch on to. There are 8 levels and cards are numbered 1-15 with skip cards and wilds. On each level there is a pattern of sorts you must get a run of a certain amount 1,2,3,4 10,11,12 or there are a few that you have to get the same number like four pairs. They also have a few levels where color matters. Each person has their own discard pile and when it is the next player's turn they can draw from any of the discard piles or from the middle. A round ends when someone has laid their cards and then runs out of cards but being able to play on someone else's line or on their own. The person who runs out of cards moves down two levels and anyone who has laid their level also gets to move down but just one. It is a very fun game- depending on how many people you have playing it, it can take a fairly long time to play.
Pinata Blast is a few game for kids of all ages. This one is a bit easier for the younger audience to catch on to. There are several die that all have candy images on them. Each player is given seven cards that also have images of candy on them. The person with the pinata stick rolls all the dice and then chaos begins. If you see a candy that matches your card you lay it down and then grab the dice with your candy on it but look out there is a green die and whatever image is on that one makes that particular candy bad for the round and you will lose your card if you accidentally grab that kind. When we played it with three people it was very easy to avoid the "bad candy"but when we added in an extra two people it was much harder to remember. This is a very fun game and can be played in under 10 minutes so it's a good game for those with a shorter attention span or if you are just trying to kill a few minutes!
That's not a Hat- the reason for the party.... well we just honestly didn't get this game. I don't know if it's because we all have terrible memories but every round we played, no one actually remembered what they had. I guess we need to try it again, maybe with a different group of people but I wasn't very impressed with this one.
That being said all the games came in nice small boxes so they are so easy to take on trips. I had not played Ravensburger games before and became a big fan of theirs and I can not wait to see what else they put out!
Thank you Tryazon and Ravenburger for another fun night with family and friends.