Well it's no lie I have been getting a lot of fun products to try over the last few months. The latest one is a new Soft scrub product that can be used on granite, marble, glass cooktops and stainless steel. I used the product on my glass cooktop stove and I was VERY impressed. I had some of the expensive cleaner that they try to sell you (successfully in my case) when you buy your oven and it burned in the fire. I had yet to replace it so my stovetop was DIRTY. The claim is that you can just apply it and wipe it off with a sponge, cloth or paper towel. It WORKS! I was surprised by how good this cleaning product smells and how easy it was to get the product off of the stovetop. It easily got the spots off except for a few that had been cooked in for awhile those took a little longer with a bit of a soak but still worked really well. It was the best my stovetop had looked in a LONG time. I have three free product coupons to give away again- it is actually for ANY Soft Scrub product- so to enter let me know- what item in your house is needing a little more cleaning TLC than you have been able to give it in the last few weeks/months? I will announce a winner on Thursday.