I always love to try new body wash products and I am so happy that Dial has started adding new scents/products to this category. I was raised on Dial soap as a kid so I a glad that they have added new products because I have always trusted them to take good care of me. So I was very excited when my favorite friend the FedEx guy showed up with this awesome product

I was very excited for color first of it because I got it right around the time Seattle was in the Super Bowl and frankly the color looked just liked the Seattle Seahawks!! I was also excited to read on the back of the bottle about an "advanced moister-attracting formula for lasting, lightweight hydration". I had to try it out to see if it held up to my guilty pleasure HOT HOT baths. I enjoy turning the temp of my water about as hot as possible where I can barely stand to be in there and then soak until it gets warm. This is so relaxing for me but incredibly hard on my skin. I was impressed with how the product held up. I didn't feel as dry as I usually do when I got out of the tub and one day I wasn't able to use it and I could totally tell the difference. The green bottle says Lotion infused and has vitamin B Complex in it and the orange one has a grapefruit on it and is Oil Infused and also has Vitamin C I would love to smell the orange one as well. Such a good body wash and so glad to get to try it. I have two free product coupons to give away you can enter on here or on my facebook post about it as well. I will pick a winner on Thursday morning. All you have to do is let me know one of your guilty pleasures. I can't wait to hear what you guys come up with!
I was given a product to sample in order for my review, all comments are mine and I am thankful to Henkel for letting me try it