We love fresh fruits and veggies in our family but as a money saver I hate when I have to throw out fruits and veggies because they got old before we could eat them. So I was super excited to get to try this new product from Rubbermaid. The claim was that it could make your produce last 80% longer. I was skeptical and had to try it out. We used strawberries first and after about three days the ones in the container and the ones that were still in the store container so I was not impressed because they looked the same. Fast forward three more days and my strawberries in my Rubbermaid container look great- they still have soft leaves on top whereas my store container stored ones have brittle leaves and are starting to show a lot of spots. I was very impressed. They come in three different sizes the one I have is the middle size and it holds the equivalent of one quart of strawberries. There is a smaller one that is for items like blueberries and raspberries. The larger one can hold a head of lettuce. I can't remember what the small one costs but the middle one I saw at Walmart for a little over 10 dollars and the large one was around 16. At first I thought that sounded a little high- but I throwing away less food now so I am eating more of what I am buying so these containers will pay for themselves in less than two months! I plan to purchase a big one very soon so I can store my grapes in it. I also would like another middle sized one (or five) so nice to store and they look nice in the fridge and are stackable. I am in love with this product!
Thank you Rubbermaid and Crowdtap for sending me a sample of this to try out for free. All the words here are my own.
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