Sunday, July 28, 2019

Tryazon and DynaTrap focus group and review

We have had a lot of rain in Kansas- my neighbors say more rain than they know of in the last 29 years so it's been a big deal. With that much rain it brings a lot of flying bugs and mosquitoes which no one wants around. DynaTrap is a company who thinks they have a solution to getting rid of these bugs in a non chemical way and when using the products they seem to work very well! Here is what they sent me (click on the links and you can see the product and price for yourself!)
  • DT150 Ultralight Indoor Insect Trap
  • DT160 ¼ Acre Outdoor Insect Trap
  • DT1050 ½ Acre Outdoor Insect Trap
  • Dynazap Electric Bug Zapper
  •  Dynatrap FlightLight Indoor Fly Trap 
    I have a friend who has been testing the 1/2 acre one and they just recently moved to a farm. They said they had a lot of bugs after 24 hours and then after waiting a few days they had almost a full bucket! So they believe it is working. I have the Indoor flytrap set up in my kitchen and we have caught a lot of little bugs- not a whole lot of flies but I feel almost like it's too hot for flies so I am excited to see how it works in the fall! The indoor light one is basically just a sticky sheet and a blue light that draws the bugs into the sticky trap but the nice thing about it the bugs is you can't see them unless you pull out the sheet. My kids have enjoyed the electric bug zapper- we may be using that more than on just bugs (I do not recommend that although it is not extremely painful.) Thank you DynaTrap and Tryazon for letting me and my friends try out these amazing products. I know we are thankful for less bugs! 

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