Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hershey's Spreads

I just happened to be online at the exact time Crowdtap launched their sample and share for their new product Hershey's spread. Some may call it luck but I have to say it was just that that jar knew it wanted to come to my house because it knows just how much chocolate is loved in our house. So yes I was given a free sample but all of the opinions here are mine. I have to say I have become quite the nutella fan in the last few years. I love putting it on toast but I also was looking for something a bit different- with a few more flavors and what better way to find this then to get the same type of product from my very favorite chocolate brand? The kids (and I ) loved the product. It was good on toast, fruit, crackers, cookies, biscuits and even the crazy taste of the spread on a potato chip. The spreads were supposed to be brought out on Dec 6th so they should be at a store near you. Good luck and enjoy! I know we will be buying some more very soon!

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