Johnson's has always been one of my very favorite infant products for all four of my kids. I was excited to get to try this new line of products from Johnson as it is for using for bedtime. They have the lotion, all in one bodywash/shampoo, and bubble bath. I will share a bit about each with you.
My favorite product is the bubble bath-
frankly I have told J that he has other bubble bath and the nice big purple one is Mommy's. I love the scent that this product has and it keeps my/ and J's skin really moisturized which we need as the heater is starting to run more and we have a drier house.
I also enjoyed the body wash in this product line is the body wash.

First off is this not the prettiest bottle of body wash you have ever scene? Maybe I am biased because purple is my favorite color but when I got this I just LOVED the color of the product. I love the long lasting scent on this. When I am holding J I smell his hair for about two days and it smells great. I think it does a good job too of not drying out J's skin.
The final product in the bedtime line is the lotion.

I was a bit disappointed in the scent of this one. The other two seemed very warm and soft but this had a bit of a sharp smell and I didn't like it as much When I put it on J. But it did have a good long lasting softer scent. This product goes on very nicely and rubs in very well I love this line and enjoy getting to use in on J, because I know my baby product days are limited he is growing up so fast!
I am a member of the Johnson's insider Crowdtap page, thank you to Crowdtap and Johnsons for providing me these products so that I could tell you about them. All the words here are my own.