Winter is upon us- which means in my house I have a child with a constant runny nose. J has gotten very sick every winter because when he was a baby he had RSV. His lungs seemed to never have recovered so we spend a lot of time at home with a sniffly nose and nasty green stuff coming out of. Let me tell you J HATES having his nose wiped... He kicks he screams he wriggles away. And then a Crowdtap box came to my house and had Disney Frozen characters on the side of the box and the little pocket packs, and all of a sudden I can wipe J's nose whenever I want to. What?

If I had known that all it would take was Olaf on the side of a box to get J to let me wipe his nose- well we would have be searching stores for this product! He feel so big carrying these with him and loves having his own pack.

These Kleenex are awesome- they are called "Cool touch" and I am not sure what that is supposed to mean but when you put the tissue on your nose- it is cool. I think this will be great when that first red and sore nose hits our house this winter. I mean I know this is just a way to get us to buy their product because I am pretty sure no kid has ever begged their parents to buy Kleenex before. But if this works two ways at my house and J will actually use them instead of run away from me. We are a household who is going to buy this product. I am a Crowdtapper insider and was given a free product in exchange for my honest review. All the words here are my own.
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