Was the timing of getting this product perfect or what? I hate always having to buy that one bottle of the "baby detergent" because for the most part my kids don't have any sensitivity towards laundry products so I usually end up buying one bottle and then washing everybody's clothes in the "stinky stuff" sorry I don't like the smell of the competitor's product so I was excited to get this to wash all of Javan's clothes in before and after he was born. And I have to say I was actually impressed! It worked well and it has been able to get stains out of the clothes that Javan has pooped on. (I totally forgot how quickly newborns go through clothes Wowzaa!)Also the cool thing about this product is it costs a lot less than that other not good smelling brand of baby laundry soap! Just so you know the product is not yet available in all stores (I sure hope this changes in the near future!) here is how to find out where you can get the product. www.purex.com/products/detergents/baby
Just so you know I was given a full sized bottle of this product by Purex in exchange for this review. All opinions listed are mine.
Here is what you need to do to enter the giveaway I have two free coupons to give away. You must have had or will be having a baby in the next several months. I have been so excited to see some of my friends/family adopt or take in foster kids in the last several months so if you have a child that fits in there that is under one PLEASE Sign up! So I guess it's open to any mom (dad) with a kid under 1 or any pregnant moms I have too. Just leave me a message on my facebook status that says what you love most about your kiddo. or post a pic I don't know that could be fun! :)
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