Today was a great day for a Monday- I got W! magazine- I really can't stand this magazine and am happy that I will only get it two more months. I got Working Mother (I mentioned this one on a previous blog and on facebook) I haven't read any of them yet so I don't know how I feel about it. I get Ranger Rick and Big Backyard each month because I track how fast it gets to the post office. The kids love these two. Kjell got another 5 hr energy- I posted about this one as well. I also got a small box of kleenex- this was a facebook promotion that you send a free box to a friend- (thanks mom!) I got some toothpaste- I posted this freebie online as well- it comes from walmart. 2 huggies size 4 diapers from Sam's (also posted about this one) Plus a $10 off any $10 purchase at JCPennies- this is because I am a card holder. I also got a free product to rate and test all moms need to sign up for this there is ONE "survey" to do so they know how old your kids are then they just let you know if you fit you also get a monthly e-mail of all the toys/products that the testers thought were awesome. This is the first product I have tested. I do not think it is awesome. but it was free and looks like it retails for about 30 bucks I can't tell because the products web page is all in Japanese . here is that website. http://www.ptpamedia.com/homepage PLEase let me know if this website is helping anyone- I have a LOT to do in any given day and I don't want just be writing to an empty cyber space!!
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