My family has grown up eating cold cereal for breakfast, but when I became a runner I wanted something more so started eating either toast with butter, cinnamon and sugar on it or peanut butter toast with bananas. So when I found out Crowdtap wanted me to try a new Peanut butter flavor for them from JIF I was excited when I found it out already had cinnamon in it! I have always been a fan of JIF peanut butter and was not disappointed. This product was just as creamy as all JIF products and the flavor was great. My favorite way to eat this now is with toast, a layer of this a layer of compote on top of that some sliced bananas.
I love the protein it gives me in my diet, giving me 7 grams per serving size. My kids love it because now I don't have to pour cinnamon sugar on top of the bread so it's not near as messy. I did a search for this online and found that they also have a maple flavor! How exciting I can't wait to try that on my waffles and pancakes. A 12 ounce jar of this can be found at Target for $2.49
I was given a free sample from Crowdtap and Jif all the words here are my own.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Unreal Candy (is amazing) #Review
I LOVE chocolate candy. Always have always will- a person could throw a whole bowl of non chocolate candy at me and I could care less but put chocolate in front of me and I get very tempted. I don't like to eat it all the time though because it's not really good for me and has a bunch of not good for me ingredients. Enter Unreal candy
This candy was invented by a kid whose dad told him he couldn't eat candy unless he found a healthier candy. This made the kid set out to prove that he could make a healthier treat, and let me tell you he succeeded. Here is a video to learn more about the product from the company themselves. We got to try their chocolate candy covered in a brightly colored shell-these shells are NOT made with artificial coloring but with natural colors from fruits and veggies. My kids thought that sounded weird yet they loved them when they got to taste them. We also go to try their original milk chocolate peanut butter cups, dark chocolate pb cups, dark chocolate coconut cups, and dark chocolate with quinoa (these were so good- had a texture like a crunch bar.) I love all of these-every single one tastes like "real" candy but I don't feel as guilty eating them. I think if you are looking for a fun treat to hand out at Halloween, you should look into buying some of these for those trick-or-treaters. My kids were huge fans, while I was sharing... which stopped pretty quickly since I liked them so much.

Thank you Tryazon and Unreal Candy for sending me some free products so that I could pass them out to my friends and family. All the words here are my own.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
EQtainment Product Review #Sponsored
If any of you know me and my family you know we love board games. Kjell and I love to play games and are always looking for new ones, it's no different as a family we love to have game nights as well. There is only one thing lacking from most games, a point more than just WINNING. Which my family all so loves to do. So when the opportunity came to get to try a new game from EQtainment I was very intrigued. A board game that taught on manners and social skills? Learning while playing? Where do I sign up/ Right now there are five components to the line and I will share with you a bit on all of them.
Q- first off Q is a cute little monkey that often doesn't know how he should do in certain situations so kids get to tell Q how he should respond
He is also used as a calming tool. Where if a child is acting out or losing control I grab Q and tell them to lay down and then the child puts Q on his tummy and watches his rising and fall of his breath move Q. I honestly thought this was a bit loopy at first but my outburst child (not pictured) has really taken to Q and it has worked on several occasions.
The second component will now make a little more sense. It is a board game that has YOU cards (where you answer a question about yourself) DO cards (where you have to do something physical like kick your legs or flip your hands) or Q cards, (a situation is presented that Q has found himself in and we try to figure out how he should handle himself. I loved this game and since a lot of my readers are Believers- this game makes it super easy to go there. We can help explain to Q that when he is mad at his mom he still needs to obey because that is what we learn in the Bible- it is VERY easy to add that element into this game. I played with several different age groups and kids from 3 to 10 like it but the sweet spot looks to be kindergarten to 2nd grade.
Q- first off Q is a cute little monkey that often doesn't know how he should do in certain situations so kids get to tell Q how he should respond

The third component is Q's race to the Top game on the go- it is basically the same as the board game only there is no board game. They say it is good for car trips which I thought was awesome, but someone forgot to tell the makers of the cards that it's pretty impossible to balance on one foot in a car when you are buckled in! So some improvising may need to be done on some of the DO cards.
There is also a story book that tells of one of Q's adventures- it comes with a read along CD that has some cool sound effects
Like I said I am in love with all of these products. I think the game is something that is NEEDED for our kids today and I know that my kids loved playing it and we will play it again soon.
As I was about to post this I forgot about the newest parts that they added. There is a TV show featuring Q and also an APP that you can customize by taking a quiz on your child for helping them grow in the areas where they need help the most! The app is 7.99 for a month or 64.99 for a year. But they have free 30 day trials on the app.
This packet of goodies would be a great Christmas present. The whole pack with everything I just described is on the EQtainment website for $61.99 if you order now and use the discount code of HouseParty- you can get 20% off of your order cost. Which lowers the cost for everything for right under $50 before shipping. I am not sure what the shipping costs are.
Thank you EQtainment and Tryazon for sending me this product for free to share with my friends and family. All the words stated here are my own.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
AdvilPM #review #sponsored
I have a ridiculous time of falling to sleep at night- between my chronic back pain and a mind that just won't shut off I need something to help me sleep better. So when Crowdtap wanted people to try AdvilPM I jumped on the chance.
I was very impressed with how easily I fell asleep the nights I used it- I also didn't jolt awake when it wore off which was great because that is what a different brand does to me. I was also leery of being groggy in the morning, but that didn't happen. All that happened was a great night of sleep and a well rested me in the morning. I would recommend this product to anyone who needs just a little help with getting to sleep and a pain reliever at night as well. I was given a free product sample from Advil and Crowdtap. All the words here are my own.

Sunday, August 21, 2016
Haagen-Dazs Ice cream #Review #Sponsored
There are few things in life that make me as happy as ice cream. I have also always seen Haagen-Dazs and the premiere ice cream brand out there so when I got to try it out for Crowdtap I was super excited. I decided (of course) to chose the most chocolately flavor they have so I ended up getting brownies a la mode.
oh my word- the ice cream was so creamy, there were real chunks of brownies in it that just melted in my mouth. I have found love!!! It was amazing- and there were so many flavors to choose from. The kids knew from the start I wasn't planning to share this with them. So I enjoyed it all. The thing to look for though is this tiny container is supposed to be 3.5 serving sizes!!!! GULP I actually made it last three but I was glad I had read that because it really seemed like it would have been two! Loved this product and will be buying it a lot more in the future.

this poor guy was sad I wouldn't share (I did give him a bite after I snapped this adorable picture of his pout face!)

Thank you Crowdtap and Haagen Dazs for my free product coupon in exchange for my honest review. All the words here are my own.
Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer #Review #sponsored
Jergens wet skin Moisturizer- takes what you know about moisturizer and puts it in the shower- literally. This lotion is meant to be used right after taking a shower, before toweling off. I was a bit skeptical and the first few times I had it with me in the shower..... I forgot to use it. So I had to get use to getting in it in my mind to use this before I got out. One thing I really loved about this moisturizer is it tells you on the back of the bottle how much to use. Dime sized for each arm and quarter for each leg (it doesn't say anything about the middle but another quarter size is plenty. I was very impressed to see that I didn't have to use as much lotion as I have to use with my other product- I think it's because of the water still on my skin that made it more effective with less product needed. This bottle may just last me six months! My bottle also had a nice subtle scent and I enjoyed how long the moisture stayed locked into my skin. I was also very excited to find this product in my August copy of Redbook they gave it the title of best moisturizer for the year!!!
So you don't just have to take my word for it- you can take the word of a lot of testers who thought it was great!
I received a free product from Jergens and Crowdtap in exchange for my review. All the words here are my own.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
InstaFire #Review #Sponsored
As someone who likes to grill a lot and someone who has a hard time starting a fire I was excited to get the opportunity to try out this new product that was introduced to the world on SharkTank. I got to try out both the products for Tryazon and have to say we really loved the firestarter but got confused on the charcoal starter. Our grill isn't designed like the one in their video so our fire wasn't close enough to coals. However the firestarter stuff (and if you have the right fittings on your charcoal grill are awesome. With the FireStarter you pour it out and then light it- the flame gets several times hotter than a normal wood fire. It also is, get this WATERPROOF!! Waterproof! On the video the guy holds it in his hand and the top is burning but he feels nothing on his hand. I am sorry to say I am unable to try this as it scares me really bad to think about trying it. Then he just dumps it in a bowl of water and it keeps burning (see how good it would be in rainy or snowy conditions? It also can uphold in windy conditions as well. This product is PERFECT for those who camp a lot and we are saving some for our prepper family members- each bag can start four fires! For the charcoal starter you place the bag under the charcoal grate and just light the fire. It burns and gets the coals ready in just a few minutes.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Always Radiant Pads #Review #Sponsored
Not a subject I always like to talk about- because it's not my favorite time of the month but Always is trying to change the way women look at their periods. Their new Radiant Pads are pretty on the inside and out they want you to have a smile on your face when you have to use them. They are also made with a new material called Flexfoam so they are supposed to help with staying with you wherever you are moving! I thought they were a good product and I loved the new design. They claimed to be 100% leak free and I have to say they did a great job.
The one thing I noticed was they seemed a bit noisy- not something I really want to make noise when I am wearing it but I am not sure actually why that was happening. I will try them again this month and see if i have beter luck.
I am a part of Crowdap- thank you to Always and Crowdap for sending me a free product sample in exchange for my review. All the words here are my own.
The one thing I noticed was they seemed a bit noisy- not something I really want to make noise when I am wearing it but I am not sure actually why that was happening. I will try them again this month and see if i have beter luck.
I am a part of Crowdap- thank you to Always and Crowdap for sending me a free product sample in exchange for my review. All the words here are my own.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
L’Oreal Paris Advanced Haircare Extraordinary Oil Shampoo, Conditioner, treatment #Review #Sponsored
Thanks to Crowdtap and L'Oreal I got to try a new product from L'Oreal Paris- They have a new line of "oil" hair care products.
I have been using the product for the last few weeks and have been super happy with how soft it has made my hair. With how much we have been out this summer in the sun and chlorine I was dried out more than I really like my hair to get. This has been a great product to get my hair back to being healthy. I haven't quite figured out how to use the third step- the treatment process. You can use it either with wet or dry hair but I have only used it a few times on my wet hair. I plan to try it soon on my dry hair and see what kind of difference it will make. This bottle could likely last me a few years since I am only supposed to use a dime sized portion each time I use it.
I was able to share my goodies with my sisters' in law and my mother in law and even a cousin in law. So fun to share!
Thank you Crowdtap and L'Oreal for my product that I received free in exchange for my honest review. All the words here are my own.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Silk Dairy Free Yogurt Alternative #Review #Sponsored
My family and I love Yogurt and are always up for trying a new brand so when I got selected by Crowdtap to try Silk's new Dairy Free Yogurt I was very excited to see how it would taste. There were several flavors to choose from but I chose Peach & Mango.
I was a bit nervous that it would have an aftertaste but this yogurt was amazing. If I hadn't read that it was dairy free I would never have been able to tell. It had a great smooth taste and I really enjoyed the flavor. I can not wait to try many more of the flavors soon. This was a great product and I know it will help a lot of my friends out who can't have dairy.
I was given a free product coupon from Crowdtap and Silk in exchange for my review. All the words here are my own.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Silk Nutchello #Review #Sponsored

Thank you to Silk and Crowdtap for providing me with a sample of this product in order for my honest review. All the words spoken here are my own.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Hill’s® Science Diet® Healthy Cuisine cat food #Review #Sponsored
We are kind of new to this whole having a cat thing, we tried it last year and someone kept taking our cat so this year when our neighbors moved we said we would keep one of their cats. This is not that cat! That was a male cat but he brought his female friend with him. Then we left on vacation and our male cat isn't around but we are glad to still have our female!! She is glad that Butterscotch took a break from us because we have been trying out Hill's Science Diet Healthy Cuisine and the way she gobbles it up I know she would not be very happy if she has to share. The ingredient list is full of meat and rice and veggies and it smell almost good enough for me to taste (I restrained myself though!) It will be funny because if I set this out and her dry food out she will completely jump over her dry food to get to this. She gives it two paws up or four not sure how cats vote. She has been able to try Roasted Chicken and Rice, Seared Tuna and Carrot Medley and Poached Salmon and Spinach- I can't say that she has a favorite because she really just loves them all!
Lightening says thank you to Crowdtap and Hill's Science Diet for sending us some free samples for her to try. All the words here are her owners.
Lightening says thank you to Crowdtap and Hill's Science Diet for sending us some free samples for her to try. All the words here are her owners.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Tryazon Sterno S'mores party and review

Saturday, June 4, 2016
Molkky Game- #Review #Tryazon

Friday, May 13, 2016
Purex Plus Clorox 2 #Review #Giveaway
Laundry day, some people cringe at that word because it just takes SO. MUCH. WORK! But I actually love laundry day, which sounds crazy since there are six of us I have to do laundry for. I run my washer and dryer all morning on laundry day and then spend all afternoon while my little guy is sleeping folding and catching up on TV shows. Another reason I love laundry day is just getting to work with great products and I was so happy to get to try out the new Purex plus Clorox 2. I knew I had two tough stains I was going to need to fight yesterday. One was a mud stain on khaki pants and the other was one of my kids sat in paint (not oil based something they used at school) with gray shorts, and I had scrubbed and scrubbed it before I threw it in- no no avail I thought the shorts were ruined. I was very surprised to see that both the stains came out, in one wash- this is not always the case with clothes I wash.
The claim on the bottle is that this detergent can work on 100 different stains. I am sure I will give it about 20 more to try before the bottle is gone with summer almost here and four kiddos getting dirty in my household. I love the Purex brand and how affordable it is which is why I am excited to be able to give away three free product coupons. Just enter in the rafflecopter below.

The Purex brand provided me with a sample of Purex plus Clorox 2 Detergent in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
IO Blocks #Review #Tryazon #Guidecraft
My family and I were one of the chosen families that got a chance to play/learn with the IO Blocks. The tub we got had 500 pieces and several building cards that showed us some pre designed projects we could make. It also came with a tracker mat which was pretty cool too. I am going to walk you through how you can build a project on the card it shows you the number of each piece you need, you then (after downloading the app) use the app to find what you are building and point it at the tracker. Then you hit the play button and it unbuilds then rebuilds the project and it looks 3D! The cool thing is being able to move the phone or the tracker to see all angles of what you are trying to build. We got these out the box the first day we got them and didn't move from them for over an hour. The projects can be a bit difficult for the younger kids to make but once my kids realized that they didn't have to build the pictures and just free play, they came up with all sorts of fun ways to use them. The box says 4+ for the age and I would tend to say 3+ because Javan loves them and several of the kids who tried them out were close to four and enjoyed them. I would say though that my 4th grader LOVES LOVES LOVES to try to build all the pages though! My kids' science teacher is going to try it out with several of her classes next week and I think as far as the app goes 3rd grade and up really enjoy it. It takes a lot of brains to use this. Every adult who has handled them as ended up spending at least 20 minutes playing with them which I think is a testament to how great they are. And I am not a teacher but these are supposedly great for the STEM education thing they do at school. Science Technology Engineering and Mathmatics and I have to agree that they do well with all of this!
Thank you Tryazon and Guidecraft for allowing my family to share these blocks with others and just get to know such a great product. I was provided a free sample in exchange for my review all the words here are my own.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Johnsonville Grillers Review.

All the words here are my own, I was given a free sample from Crowdtap and Johnsonville in exchange for my review.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Products you never knew you needed but now that you know!!!!! #tryazon, #SOI, and #whoosh

I was also sent some #WHOOSH tech spray that I was using on cell phones, Ipads and computer screens. This spray comes with it's own little rag to wash the screens off, and does a great job of removing finger prints and helps not pick any new ones up for a while. I think between all the friends' tech I had I cleaned 12 screens over the past few days and everyone was very impressed with how clean they looked when we were done. This product retails (as shown the two different sized bottles and the two towels) for $16 dollars- and after 12 screens cleaned it still looks like it's full so they last a long time.
Thank you to the three companies who allowed me the chance to try these with my friends and family Tryazon, Soi and Whoosh. All the comments here are my own.
ARM & HAMMER Truly Radiant toothpaste and spin brush #Review #Crowdtap
I have tried Arm & Hammer toothpaste in the past, I have tried whitening paste with baking soda in the past so I was a bit worried that this would have a nasty salty taste to it. I was very surprised at how good this toothpaste actually tasted! I also thought that it did a very good job of cleaning my teeth. I also go to try out the new spin brush. What fun and such a deeper clean. I think these are both great products. My kids are jealous of the electric toothbrush. I am glad to finally have one to have that deep clean feeling after every brush.
I was given a free sample by Crowdtap and Arm and Hammer in exchange for my review all the words here are my own.
I was given a free sample by Crowdtap and Arm and Hammer in exchange for my review all the words here are my own.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Rubbemaid Freshworks Produce Saver #Review

Thank you Rubbermaid and Crowdtap for sending me a sample of this to try out for free. All the words here are my own.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Advil Rapid release Formula #Review
I am a runner- which is still almost strange to say seeing as twenty years ago I wanted to be a runner but my knee issues wouldn't let me. These last two years I have ran several 5Ks, 10Ks a 12K and a 15K not to mention a half marathon. The longer I run the more aches I can get when I run. To combat this I will from time to time pop an Advil Rapid Release tablet. I don't have to worry about waiting for it to kick in I just take it and go. I have been very happy with the results and am not in much if any pain when I am running. Next month I will complete my second half marathon. I am excited and I know I won't be leaving home without my Advil.
I was given a free sample in exchange for my review of this product. All the words here are my own.
Laressa Nordgren
I was given a free sample in exchange for my review of this product. All the words here are my own.
Laressa Nordgren
Monday, April 11, 2016
Mr. Sketch Scented Washable Markers #Review
My girls love their arts and crafts. Kiah and Karis could draw or color all day long. So I knew when Crowdtap was looking for people to use their products I had to try to get these for the girls.
they had a blast using these. Karis worked on a coloring contest sheet and Kiah worked on a project for mother's day. First off though the whole family got in it by guessing what the scents were. That was a fun time and the kids enjoyed trying to figure them out. I thought the markers were great and I remember having a set of these when I was a kid. I feel like they are just newly washable. To me that makes all the difference. Having four kids it's hard to police every move they make with markers so I love having the knowledge that it really doesn't matter they will clean up if they get on to something they are not supposed to be on. The colors worked great and were nice bright and bold. The kids also enjoyed the scents as they were using them. Thank you Crowdtap and Mr. Sketch for the free markers all the words listed here are mine and I was given the sample in exchange for my review.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Garnier Whole Blends #Review
Sometimes maybe it's fun to be my friend :)
Garnier has been coming out with new more natural products over the last few months and they are now ready to put these on the shelves and let you try them. They have no paraben in them and do a great job. I was excited to get to try three of their new shampoo and conditioners this past week. They smell amazing and I hope that I can find them in the store soon so that I can buy one of them. Honey Treasures is supposed to strengthen and heal damaged hair. The second one was coconut oil and cocoa butter to help tame and control hair. My very favorite product was the coconut water and vanilla milk- it SMELLS so very wonderful and it quenches and softens hair- This one also comes in a blue bottle which I think looks very fun. I got to try the tiny envelope pouches so I am not sure exactly how well they do what they claim but my biggest thing I look for has always been scent and these have great scent that lasts all day.
I am a member of Crowdtap and received a free product in exchange for my review. All of the words listed here are my own.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Garnier Olia Permanent Hair color review

Monday, February 29, 2016
Renuzit product review and GIVEAWAY!!
It has been WAY TOO LONG since I have had a giveaway on my blog. I am so excited that I get to give away three free coupons to three lucky winners at the end of the week! Renuzit Sensitive Scents is a new product line from Renuzit.
These new products come in three new scents and three ways to be used. I really liked two of the scents Pure Water Blossom & Cucumber was a nice crisp fresh scent and I am enjoying it very much. I also really like the Pure White Pear & Lavender. I think it leaves rooms smelling really nice and sweet and gives it a great intro to spring. The one scent that I really thought I was going to enjoy was the Pure Ocean Breeze. Now it is truly just a preference thing because I thought it smelled like some brands fresh laundry and that is just a scent I don't like. The rest of my family thought it was very nice. The three ways to enjoy these scents are in the picture as well. The basic adjustable scent cone- I think it does a great job this is where I would like a bit more scent they are made to last for four weeks. The scented oil can be used in any brand of warming unit out there, so it is called a universal oil warmer. That is very cool feature because if you already have a warmer all you will need to buy is the oil refill. I thought of the three products this had the most scent added to the air. If it would have been a scent I enjoyed more I probably would have given this one my best review. The final option is the trigger sprayer, deodorizing spray. I sprayed it on my couch and my girls love to spray it on their pillows before they go to bed. It has a fun fresh and just amount of scent. Now enter my giveaway!!! Winners will be drawn towards the end of the week.

Thank you Purex Insiders and Renuzit for the free products to review and the free coupons that were given to me so that I can give them away to my readers. All the words and images here are my own.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Reynolds Slow Cooker Liners #Review
I have been wanting to try these for a few years now but just never got around to buying them. I am now kicking myself because they work so very well. I always make a hamburger and cheese dip for the Super Bowl and the crock pot stays on the whole time so there is always nasty sticky cheese stuck to the side. I used to set the crock pot in my sink- soak it overnight scrub it in the morning, soak again, scrub again over and over for about a week. With this liner in, I made the dip we ate the dip the dip sat for the long game, I got home asked my husband to hold a storage container by me I picked up both ends dumped the leftovers in the container, then wiped out the crock pot with a paper towel and put it away. Oh my goodness SO WORTH EVERY PENNY! I will never cook without these again!
I was provided a free sample of this product from Crowdtap and Reynolds- all the words here are my own.
I was provided a free sample of this product from Crowdtap and Reynolds- all the words here are my own.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Reynolds Cookie Baking Sheets #Review
Valentine's day was upon us and I had to bake my famous sugar cookies- yes they really are famous. I had a teacher who had one of my children last year specifically ask me if I would bring these for the Valentine party. It was the perfect time to try out my new Reynolds Cookie Baking Sheets. I used them in two ways. First I took two sheets to the paper and put my dough along with some flour and rolled them out that way. It makes it so much easier to get them off of the paper than it is to get them off of a surface. Plus the rolling pin stays clean and there is no need to worry about getting any dough stuck on the pin. I then placed a sheet of the parchment paper on my baking trays. I was skeptical that I would see much of a difference because my cookies usually don't have any issues (or so I thought!) on my pans. I baked several trays on the Reynolds baking sheets and then decided to test a group without using the paper. I didn't realize that they really did stick to the tray! I had NO trouble getting the ones off using the Reynolds product but I had to get my server our to try to get the cookies off the tray without the paper and then they left some crumbs on the tray so the bottoms were not as smooth. Also the ones with paper seemed a bit darker and a tad discolored. Something I would not have even thought twice about if I hadn't had the paper. However having it showed me how much better they looked when they had that extra protection between the sheet and the cookie. I loved how they were precut and fit on all of my trays that made it super easy.
Oh I guess I technically used them three ways after I frosted them I put a sheet between each level so I could stack them and the frosting wouldn't stick. These will for sure be a new must have in my house. My only question as a famous (well in my neck of the woods) cookie baker is, How did it take me so long to find this great product?!?!
All the words and statements here are my own. I was given a free product thanks to Crowdtap and Reynolds in exchange for my review. 
Oh I guess I technically used them three ways after I frosted them I put a sheet between each level so I could stack them and the frosting wouldn't stick. These will for sure be a new must have in my house. My only question as a famous (well in my neck of the woods) cookie baker is, How did it take me so long to find this great product?!?!

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