I just happened to be online at the exact time Crowdtap launched their sample and share for their new product Hershey's spread. Some may call it luck but I have to say it was just that that jar knew it wanted to come to my house because it knows just how much chocolate is loved in our house. So yes I was given a free sample but all of the opinions here are mine. I have to say I have become quite the nutella fan in the last few years. I love putting it on toast but I also was looking for something a bit different- with a few more flavors and what better way to find this then to get the same type of product from my very favorite chocolate brand? The kids (and I ) loved the product. It was good on toast, fruit, crackers, cookies, biscuits and even the crazy taste of the spread on a potato chip. The spreads were supposed to be brought out on Dec 6th so they should be at a store near you. Good luck and enjoy! I know we will be buying some more very soon!
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Starkist Tuna Creations

I was provided a sample of this product from Crowdtap. However all the opinions listed here are my own.
Another Purex Givaway!
Purex has decided to give one lucky mom a DAY OFF. All I can think is they must have been at my house this week and known I needed a day off! I have been busy trying to get rid of all my baby clothes. I don't know why I am bothering selling them it takes much more work than it would to just get rid of them but I got through a double tote of clothes and actually sold some! But my house fell apart as I was doing these clothes- then yesterday Kjell wanted to clean out the garage and it looks AWESOME! We got it so clean but once again that was time not in my house so my house still looked awful. I always say I need about one more hour in my day to get everything done. I can get everything pretty good but one thing always seems to suffer if I get caught up on my house I get behind on my surveys if I get caught up online I get behind on my reading. And usually the house suffers if anything else is caught up on! Oh well I wouldn't trade this time of my life for anything I enjoy so much my little mess makers and thank God everyday for a full house of kids. But if you are like me you could use a you day (and yes you will be behind when you get back) but it sure sounds like fun. Just click on my link to enter.http://insiders.purex.com/MomsWinaDayOff?id=222
Purex giveaway!
Yay Purex is giving it's readers another opportunity to win some prizes! They will have many weekly prizes and you have until November 19th to enter. Good luck! I would love to hear that one of my readers won!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Truvia Natural Sweeteners
Today I got to share a sweet treat with my dear friend Wilma- I was asked by Crowdtap to share Truvia with a friend and so while we were having our Bible Study this morning we also had tea that we sweetened with Truvia- we both really enjoyed the flavor and thought it was "pleasant" I don't always add sugar to me hot tea so I would like to try Truvia's other products. They have full sized containers and you can substitute Truvia with sugar. I need to do more research to know how much of a health benefit it is and then it would also be good to know how much of a price difference it is. Because as far as the taste I thought it tasted great and didn't have an aftertaste like some of the other "healthy products."
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Lunchables Jr products

Over Labor day weekend Karis and her cousin Kara got to try a new product from Lunchables Jr. We were given the Very Beary Crunch one and the Ants on the Log. It was super funny to see Kiah and Justus try to figure out how they could get in on the snack fun. They also thought these looked really fun even though I tried to tell them these were for younger children. They didn't care they thought they were really fun. We opened the pack up and then Crowdtap had asked us to play a game or make a face with the shapes so we did that first. They thought that was pretty fun. The pack comes with three things all in a different compartment- on the Very Beary Crunch the teddy grahams and crackers went fast. Karis wasn't too sure what she thought of the dried fruit. I did try some and thought it had a bit of a weird texture for kiddos but Kiah and Justus who I let have the extras thought they were great. The Ants on a Log were a great hit and were gobbled up quickly. I thought they were both nice sized snacks but they retail for a bit more than I would like to pay I think I saw they are $1.75 a piece. But that is one reason I don't buy Lunchables too often because they are expensive. I think $1 would be a great price point on these and I wonder if they will be that when they are on sale I think they would be perfect for plane rides or long car rides I just don't think kids can open them themselves without spilling them. But I think we will for sure keep our eyes open for sales so we can have a few of these around for longer trips. Thanks Crowdtap for the sample- all opinions here are mine I was just given a sample by Crowdtap.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Purex UltraPacks plus OXI
My newest and Purex's newest product! I always love when Purex sends me a product and it happens to arrive on LAUNDRY day! Nothing like getting to try it out right away. I really enjoyed this product and I really love the fact that all I have to do is throw a little pack in the laundry and I am DONE super easy. At this point in my life I need all the stain removing power I can get and I thought that this was pretty impressive. (every load has at least one gross baby bib in it!)
I think the coolest thing about Purex is how much money they can save the average family each year. If you use their brand which is cheaper than most "leading brands" you can save yourself $45 a year. So to enter this contest you have to tell me- how will you spend that extra $45? You may enter on here or on my facebook page. Also here is another giveaway done by Purex that will give you a chance to win $50. Good luck! You have to find the red jersey and here's a hint look for the page talking about this new product!
The Purex brand provided me with a sample of Purex UltraPacks plus Oxi in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are mine.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Last day for Purex Giveaway
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Day 21
I haven't done a very good job of keeping you posted on these giveaways. Click on this link to enter to win! I would love to have one of these and it would be perfect for this fall!.

Monday, August 19, 2013

If you are like me then me putting Fels-Naptha as the subject of this blog makes no sense to you. It was a product I had never heard of until I got to try it. It is a stain remover bar. Basically what you do is spray some water on the stain and then rub the stain bar on stain. I thought it worked pretty well at getting new stains out I tempted fate and tried it on old stains- it didn't work but it was worth a shot to see if it was a miracle worker! I wasn't that impressed with this product just because it felt like an extra step with most of my stain removers I just spray it on there.. They did say you can grate the soap into the washing machine as well and it can work as a stain booster so that is cool I need to try that one some of the more stained clothes. I plan to have a giveaway so please just leave me a comment for a chance to win! Good luck! you can also enter here to win a free bar http://insiders.purex.com/120Years120Winners?id=464
or 500 dollars!
Monday, August 12, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
Aug 9th
Yay! this would be fun I would love to have some more camping gear- actually I would really like to have a camper not quite going to get that with $450 dollars but a girl can dream! click on the picture to win

Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Aug 7th
Yay! Day 7 of Purex's giveaway. It's for school supplies who has bought theirs? We have all of ours except for the ziplock baggies (I was waiting until I could get a coupon so I guess if I win I will get 300 dollars worth of ziplock baggies haha! Good luck click on the picture to enter

Monday, August 5, 2013
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Friday, August 2, 2013
Giveaway Link
Here is the giveaway link to enter to win some really cool prizes. today's prize is a camera pack and since Kjell lost our main camera and I broke our Sony bloggie- I am hoping that I win :)

Friday, July 26, 2013
Purex 31 Days of Fun Giveaway
School is just around the corner, less than three weeks from today Kiah and Kjell will be back in school. This just totally bums me out. I know I am lucky that I have a husband who gets to stay home with me for the whole summer and we get to travel places and just spend time as a family but going back to school just bums me out. That is why I am so glad that Purex has given me a reason- well actually 31 reasons to be excited for August. Purex is having a huge party in August and giving away a lot of prizes for the whole month. All you have to do is make sure that you like their page on Facebook. I will update this post when I have more details but until then like Purex on facebook and enjoy the last few weeks of summer with your kids!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Dial turns 65!
I don't know about you but when I grew up I thought there was only one kind of soap in the whole world. My older brother and I were talking about this awhile back and he felt the same way. We grew up with the GOLD Dial bar soap and that was it. It wasn't like my mom looked for lower prices or tried different varieties it was Gold Dial soap and that was it. Now though Dial is turning 65 and I don't even think you can get the gold soap anymore, my dad informed me it is now a pale yellow. But over the last few months I have gotten to try Dial bodywash made with coconut water, the kids have gotten to try two kinds one for the older kids and one for the babies. I have been impressed and I am glad that dial is moving on up so to speak. They are so excited they want to send me five free product coupons so that my readers and I can try out all the new products, so hopefully I will win and then we will get to do this! Stay tuned!
Ok I did win so I have four coupons to give out (one to keep for myself) all you have to do is since I am on vacation this week tell me where you like to spend your vacation. If you have never entered one of my giveaways let me know because I am going to enter your name in twice! Good luck
You could also be the lucky winner of a cool 65,000 dollars now who wouldn't enjoy that??
Good luck!
Ok I did win so I have four coupons to give out (one to keep for myself) all you have to do is since I am on vacation this week tell me where you like to spend your vacation. If you have never entered one of my giveaways let me know because I am going to enter your name in twice! Good luck
You could also be the lucky winner of a cool 65,000 dollars now who wouldn't enjoy that??
Good luck!
Friday, May 31, 2013
Old Navy Activewear
I was once again super excited to get the opportunity to try out this year's Old Navy activewear line. My mom and I went to the Salina Old Navy to see what we could round up this time. This was my mother's day present to her. We were very impressed with the bottoms they offered- I found some cute running shorts and mom got a pair of compression capris. I have a couple pairs of those from the other times I have hosted this sample share and I LOVE them. We were surprised by the shirts this year though, guess we learn our fashion fads while we are shopping. We discovered that flow-y is in. The compression tops were few and far between and instead it was a lot of racer back loose fit tops. I thought they were cute but that wasn't what I was in the mood for. I ended up getting a much needed sports bra and the running shorts. While there we also discovered this year's $5 4th of July t's and we were soooo excited they are the distressed fabric. I was so excited, they also had pink ones for the girls. I will try to remember to add a picture of them in their shirts

Friday, May 3, 2013
Soft Scrub Mold and Mildew Stain Remover

Also you can try to enter here for a chance to win $1000 dollars and a year's supply of Soft Scrub products. http://insiders.purex.com/saygoodbye?id=3299
Remember I was given a sample of this product and all the opinions stated here are my own.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Woolite everyday usage
Got to try the latest Woolite everyday use product and I have to say I am very proud to be a Woolite tester. As a kid all I remember that Woolite had was the delicate stuff that I used to handwash my "unmentionables" now they make a product for my darks (which I love to use on my jeans and I really do think it helps the color stay in longer) and now the latest is to use everyday. I want a product that keeps my clothes looking newer longer because frankly I do not have money to buy new clothes all the time? Anyone with me on that one!?
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Soft Scrub 4-in-1 toilet care

I have to tell you I don't usually brag about toilet cleaner but I am totally SOLD on Soft Scrub's new product. I am not sure why the picture is blurry. It is called the 4 in one because it cleans, prevents buildup, fights toilet ring and freshens for up to four weeks. The even better news is it costs less than two dollars! My own personal toilet cleaner and I don't even have to pay that much. Now I have to tell you I got to get really close to this product. I came down with the flu the week that I put this in the toilet. So as I was hanging out in the bathroom with a very upset stomach, I got to see that in fact this product was doing it's job. It is tough to keep a toilet clean in the Nordgren household. I got a four year old boy who likes to look everywhere but where he is aiming when he goes to the bathroom and sometimes I just get really busy and don't get the toilets cleaned as often as they need to be. I was very impressed with the sparkle. I can not wait to get another one of these and put it down in the kids' bathroom- not sure what it is about a 6 and a 4 year old but they can't remember to flush so their toilet always looks awful. This product also comes with bleach if you want that. I also think it has a good smell and the first several days when ever I was in the bathroom I kept wondering what smelled so good! I thought Kjell had changed deodorants or something! To enter today please just let me know what you are most looking forward to with Spring maybe here?? I write this as there is snow on the ground but hopefully the last one of the season. Make sure to also enter on the link I have posted to win $1000! I would love to have someone I know win this that would be AWESOME!
Soft Scrub gave me a free product to try and review- all of the statements here are my own.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Old Navy Ts
I was lucky enough to get some coupons for Old Navy T's from Crowdtap and awesome company who asks opinions on several brands. This coupon was for two free t shirts for a friend and me. So I had my first outing without Javan- and yes I talked about him the whole time and I feel like it was like that date who only talks about their ex with how much I talked about him and worried! lol But we had a great time shopping and trying on shirts and eating at Olive Garden. I was really impressed with the styles they had and the many many different colors. I really wanted to get more than two that day, but we found out at checkout that this week they have a special buy one get one free deal. And the full price of one shirt is only $8 or $8.50 so very reasonable. I will be getting more of these as they are a bit more dressy than just a "normal tshirt" but at such a great price I can afford to get several of them! I didn't buy the orange one that is one I am going to have to go back and get. The other picture is my friend Jennifer- we got the cami's she is holding for 3.50 WOW that was also a great deal!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Combat ant/roach killing bait strips

Good Luck
Combat provided me with a sample of Combat Killing Bait Strips in exchange for this review.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Dial Kids body+hair wash
YAY! something fun for the kids- well if you kids like to take baths as much as my kiddos do. I am so proud of Dial for adding a kids line into their mix of products. I was raised on Dial soap the bright orange bar soap was really the only soap I knew existed as a kid! So I am glad to see them branching out. They worked with pediatric dermatologists on the special formula and designed two products one for kids ages 2-5 the scent is Peachy clean and one for kids ages 6-10 (this one comes inwatery melon or berry cool we tried the melon one) They are two-in-ones so shampoo and body wash in the same product which helps save some time AND some space around the tub! I enjoyed the product because I like a little scent on my kids after they bathe and this seemed to have it. The kids liked the design of the bottles a lot as well.
So I was thinking how to make this one fun and I have decided I want to know your kids' nicknames- all of our kids have nicknames although I don't use the one Kjell has for Justus so I don't remember what it is his is the least frequently used. Kiah we sometimes call Kicks and Karis is often known as baby or baby beluga, and Javan is Javan bojangles. so to enter let me know your kid (s) grandkids godkids whatever nickname you can enter more than once for this I will count every child's nickname as one entry however you can only WIN once- but this will give some people more chances! Also if you click on the picture below you can WIN 1000 SOMEDAY either me or someone who follows my blog better win one of these. Good luck!
the dial brand provided me with a sample of these two products however all opinions are mine.
So I was thinking how to make this one fun and I have decided I want to know your kids' nicknames- all of our kids have nicknames although I don't use the one Kjell has for Justus so I don't remember what it is his is the least frequently used. Kiah we sometimes call Kicks and Karis is often known as baby or baby beluga, and Javan is Javan bojangles. so to enter let me know your kid (s) grandkids godkids whatever nickname you can enter more than once for this I will count every child's nickname as one entry however you can only WIN once- but this will give some people more chances! Also if you click on the picture below you can WIN 1000 SOMEDAY either me or someone who follows my blog better win one of these. Good luck!
the dial brand provided me with a sample of these two products however all opinions are mine.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Purex Natural Elements Tropical Splash Detergent

Ok not fooling around there is a new Purex in town and I really like it! The new product is Purex Natural Elements Tropical Splash Detergent I like this product because it is hypoallergenic and dye free which is great for my kiddos but it has scent, and I don't know about you but I LOVE scent in my laundry detergent. To me the scent is like a nice cup of coconut and tropical fruits and I really enjoy washing my clothes in it. I am glad also I don't have to worry about separating out Javan's clothes because of it gentle enough for his sensitive skin. I don't know if everyone has been able to find the products in the store so to make sure you can check out the store locator . To enter this giveaway please just post on here or on facebook what tropical island you would most like to visit. I will draw three winners of free product coupons on Saturday. Good luck
Once again I was sent a free product in exchange for my review and all the opinions stated here are my own.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Purex Glitter

Purex has outdone themselves this time! I was surprised to find a new bottle at my door and this one is the most fun one yet. It is called Purex glitter. And I kid you not it adds glitter to your clothes! So I will announce a warning that you may not want to get your husband's underwear in the load! The girls have been having a blast picking clothing items to put in to add a touch of glitter we have done dresses, pjs you name it the girls want their clothes to sparkle. I will attach a picture of one of the items we have tried. The cool thing about the product is when you are done with the glitter just wash it with a different detergent and it is gone. I only have one coupon for this product and since it's so super special sign up today ONLY. Just leave me a comment about what clothing item you would like to see sparkle either on here or on facebook! Good luck!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Soft Scrub Advanced Surface

Well it's no lie I have been getting a lot of fun products to try over the last few months. The latest one is a new Soft scrub product that can be used on granite, marble, glass cooktops and stainless steel. I used the product on my glass cooktop stove and I was VERY impressed. I had some of the expensive cleaner that they try to sell you (successfully in my case) when you buy your oven and it burned in the fire. I had yet to replace it so my stovetop was DIRTY. The claim is that you can just apply it and wipe it off with a sponge, cloth or paper towel. It WORKS! I was surprised by how good this cleaning product smells and how easy it was to get the product off of the stovetop. It easily got the spots off except for a few that had been cooked in for awhile those took a little longer with a bit of a soak but still worked really well. It was the best my stovetop had looked in a LONG time. I have three free product coupons to give away again- it is actually for ANY Soft Scrub product- so to enter let me know- what item in your house is needing a little more cleaning TLC than you have been able to give it in the last few weeks/months? I will announce a winner on Thursday.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Purex detergent plus Fabric Softener with Crystals Fragrance

you can also enter Purex's giveaway to win a free bottle OR 1000 dollars I would love to see one of my readers get to win that prize! http://insiders.purex.com/experience-enchantment/?id=13766
Thanks Purex for sending me a free product to give an honest opinion to my readers and for giving me coupons to share with them!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Dial Coconut Water Body Wash

I didn't know but they say that coconut water is known as super water for it's natural hydration and health benefits, no wonder it is all the Hollywood rage. I am doing my usual free product coupon with this one but there is also a larger giveaway you can be a part of just click on this link for that one.
http://insiders.purex.com/healthier-skin?id=13766 if you win here you win $1000 (that is much more than I can ever give you!) or you have a chance to also win a free product. To enter this giveaway either post on my blog or on my facebook wall- what is your favorite body wash scent. That's it I will draw three winners Saturday evening!
Once again I received this product from Dial however all the opinions stated are my own :)
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Soft Scrub

Soft Scrub provided a free sample of this product so I could review it- however all the opinions are mine :)
Friday, March 1, 2013
Post Honey Bunches of Oats Tropical Blends

Post provided a free sample of their product for this post. All opinions are MINE :) thanks ya'll
Monday, February 18, 2013
Dry Idea AdvancedDry
Newest product that has gotten sent to me to try and give to you, my readers is Dry Idea Advanced Dry antiperspirant and deodorant. I was going to say how great a time of year it was to start thinking about deodorant with how nice the weather was on Sunday but now there is like a chance of 9 inches of snow in our forecast. I am hoping we get it! The claim of this product is that it offers odor protection for up to 72 hours, this is good for me seeing as that is about how often I remember to put on deodorant or get in a shower these days with four little ones around. :) They sent me a roll on deodorant, and here is the funny story- I just thought you rolled it on and I was like this stuff does not work, after about a week of thinking this product just couldn't do what it claimed I read the lid that says in BIG LETTERS SHAKE WELL... so I started doing that and what do you know- it started working like it claimed. They also have this product available in gel and aerosol.
You can enter to win on this blog by leaving a comment I know many people say they have a problem getting their comment to stick so YOU WILL BE entered if you comment on my facebook post about this blog as well. I have FIVE free coupons this time so I hope that I have a lot of people who enter. To enter this contest tell me your favorite way to sweat- Mine is any beachbody.com workout, I am going to the doctor to get released on Monday can not wait to get started. Then I will really know if this Dry Idea product that claims "Never let them see you sweat" really REALLY works. I will draw winners on Saturday. Open to anyone at all I will mail the coupon to you.
Just so you know I was given a free sample of this product and all the words stated above are my own. Enter because if you don't you can't win GOOD LUCK!!
You can enter to win on this blog by leaving a comment I know many people say they have a problem getting their comment to stick so YOU WILL BE entered if you comment on my facebook post about this blog as well. I have FIVE free coupons this time so I hope that I have a lot of people who enter. To enter this contest tell me your favorite way to sweat- Mine is any beachbody.com workout, I am going to the doctor to get released on Monday can not wait to get started. Then I will really know if this Dry Idea product that claims "Never let them see you sweat" really REALLY works. I will draw winners on Saturday. Open to anyone at all I will mail the coupon to you.
Just so you know I was given a free sample of this product and all the words stated above are my own. Enter because if you don't you can't win GOOD LUCK!!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Purex Crystals for Baby

As for how I liked the product- I love how it has a scent that lasts longer than just a few minutes after it is out of the laundry it really does have a good scent. However that being said I didn't really think it had a baby baby scent- it smelled a lot like the other Purex crystals. I am not complaining but I just didn't find it baby scented. So I have been throwing it in with all of our clothes! I have THREE free coupons to give away so feel free to enter- leave a comment on this blog post or on the facebook post, the question to answer (so you are entered) is what was/is your favorite snuggling outfit your child either is still wearing or wore when they were younger. Javan has the softest PJs that a friend gave us when he was born they are blue and fleece and I absolutely LOVE to rub his back while he is wearing them. Good luck! I will draw a winner this Saturday.
Purex provided me with a sample of Pure Crystals for Baby in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Ok this is a product I have actually never heard of until I got to try it. I was amazed at what the side of the box said this stuff could do. It is used mainly for an additive to your laundry soap you just pour it in with your normal stuff and it makes it work harder. I thought it worked pretty good my newest stain is new baby poop stains and those are always so fun to get out of laundry but they all did come out so I guess it really worked. As for the other stuff you can use it to clean almost anything the thing I want to try yet is using it to clean my bathroom floors I need something! can't wait till we get new tile on the bathroom floors!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Purex Baby

Just so you know I was given a full sized bottle of this product by Purex in exchange for this review. All opinions listed are mine.
Here is what you need to do to enter the giveaway I have two free coupons to give away. You must have had or will be having a baby in the next several months. I have been so excited to see some of my friends/family adopt or take in foster kids in the last several months so if you have a child that fits in there that is under one PLEASE Sign up! So I guess it's open to any mom (dad) with a kid under 1 or any pregnant moms I have too. Just leave me a message on my facebook status that says what you love most about your kiddo. or post a pic I don't know that could be fun! :)
Friday, January 4, 2013
Old Navy Activeware
Well the timing of receiving this latest sample share wasn't quite as good as I had hoped. For some reason I thought I was going to have my baby early and I would be able to try on my workout clothes before the coupon ran out. Well the coupon ran out Dec 27th and Javan was born Dec 28th so Kjell got to pick out my workout clothes for me (we had been to ON before the coupons came so he knew what I wanted. I was disappointed though I had wanted a purple top but of course they had from x small to xx large but no regular large so Kjell got to have the final say on the shirt even though I was looking online to make sure I liked it.
Somehow I don't think I will look this slender in it right away LOL. I am also excited about the pants I love the pair that I got last year so here is what I got this year.
So I don't know they may look ok together. I went to their website to get these pictures and the opening screen says activeware up to 40% off the top I got is selling for seven dollars, pretty good deal. I love Old Navy and how far they have come in providing more than just t shirts and jeans they are getting good. Oh and I bought silver ballet flats as well that day... love them!

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